This be another verse
by Ames Taylor
They fuck you up the Tories do
By thought and deed, in time and space
They do it in expensive shoes
With a tatty red briefcase
They fuck you up without a care
They have no sense of what it’s like
To be so broke and feel so down
To give up pay and go on strike
The Chancellor especially fucks us up
But when rich folk die they do not pay
Inheritance tax on a single penny
While living they give the lot away
They fuck you up in three word slogans
Build Back This and Long Term That
It’s meaningless to you and I
They fuck the proletariat
They fuck you up in darkest hours
Sanctions, conditions, anxiety, debt
When you are falling down the Tories
Take away the safety net
No safety net for you and I
We are not bankers, we have no wealth
They fuck you up the Tories do
Your life, your home, your dreams, your health.
They fuck up rivers, fuck up trains
Fuck up mortgages and rents
Fuck up public services
And no-one knows where the PPE money went
They fuck up things that you and I
Absolutely need to get by
Like gas and electricity
They’ve fucked it up for you and me
There isn’t much they haven’t fucked
Up beyond all our recognition
They fuck us up the Tories do
They do it of their own volition.
And show not one iota of contrition.
As though it was the Tory mission.