The Mindful Debt Adviser
I’m mindful that it’s Sunday
And today feels like the first day of spring
There’s a magpie on the feeder. Just the one.
For sorrow
Not today, come back tomorrow.
And in any case, there’s another in the tree
So that’s OK.
Two for joy for me. Yay.
Thoughts turn to clients
The week ahead, they’re in my head
The one that told me Lowell phones them 10 times a day
Why is it so hard
To get them to acknowledge
It’s statute-barred?
I’m mindful of another, with DRO fee paid
Who waits until the bailiffs come
Then asks what progress I have made.
But there’s no more that I can do
Is ready to go
Just say the word, it’s up to you.
I’m mindful of the mental health of clients without means
‘Please not another Foodbank voucher
If I never see another tin of Smartprice beans…’
All they want to do is feed their weans
I’m mindful that they just need cash
So they can be
Like you and me
Choosing what we want, with dignity
Paying more each passing week
Those supermarkets have a bloody cheek, don’t they?
And I’m mindful that it’s April now
The fraying, flimsy safety net is threadbare, rotten, catching nothing but dust and air
The increased bills like harbingers of doom, loom about
We peruse our online banking and think of things we could do without
Glasses? Dentist? Meal out? Takeaway
Fancy biscuits? Do we really need those fancy biscuits? They’re 20p more than own brand
But own brand have just a faint trace of chocolate and taste like congealed sand.
I’m mindful that right now, the sun feels hot
So hallelujah the heating can stay off
But even if I use no energy at all
That standing charge will ultimately be reminding me
That there will be no money left
For fancy biscuits (I’m bereft)
Anyway, it’s Sunday and I guess
I’ve to be grateful for what I’ve got
Like the panting old dog sat by my side
Who farts when she coughs
And has the fanciest biscuits money can buy
(She won’t eat Smartprice, I’ve tried)
And gets me up at 4 o’clock in the morning for a wee
Silly old thing. She can’t help it.
I’m mindful that one day that will be me.