Don’t be scared of bailiffs

Ames Taylor
2 min readDec 8, 2023


Don’t be scared of bailiffs

They’re lads in fancy dress

They might have body cameras

But they’re not worth your distress

Despite their bits of paper

And warrants of control

They haven’t got the power

It’s all just hyperbole (depends how you say it)

They’re working on commission

And so to earn their cash

They’ll overstate their powers

They’ll talk a lot of trash

They’ll threaten this and threaten that

And say

If you don’t pay

They might even take the family cat

They won’t care if you’re really skint

With many mouths to feed

They’ll tell you to beg, borrow or steal

Cos money’s what they need

It’s not your worldly goods they want

Your second hand settee

Your kettle, fridge and oven’s safe

And so is your TV

They might start speaking very loud

And curtains they may twitch

If intimidation doesn’t work

Then maybe shame will do the trick

And if they threaten the police

It’ll only be to keep the peace

So keep your peace and keep them out

Let them throw their weight about

Don’t let ‘em in

Don’t let ‘em in

Your home or head, don’t let ‘em win

Don’t give ‘em owt

Don’t give ‘em owt

Get debt advice

We’re nice

And we know what we’re talking about.

If you are having trouble with bailiffs, do get advice. If they have a warrant of entry, that’s different and they can force their way in, same with signed controlled goods agreements (that means you’ve already let them in once and signed over goods) and if it’s a magistrates court fine, that’s more serious. But debt advice can still help. Get advice 👍



Ames Taylor

Debt Adviser, Chair, Greater Manchester Money Advice Group. Writing about things like debt, benefits & poverty because the imbalance in power annoys me.